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About G7/G20 Youth Summits (Y7/Y20)

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Y7 Summit and Y20 Summit (hereafter referred to as Y7 & Y20 Summits) are international conferences for youth leaders representing their own countries. As the official engagement group of G7 and G20 Summits, Y7 & Y20 Summits are held annually, hosted or supported by the host country of G7 and G20 Summit. Youth under 40 from a diverse background, such as researchers, government officials, and students, will convene ahead of G7 and G20 Summits and make policy recommendations by submitting the communique to G7 and G20. Y7 & Y20 Summits aim to propose solutions to various challenges faced by today’s international community by promoting mutual understanding among youth at the forefront of the world.
Y7 & Y20 Summits are regarded as a precious opportunity to reflect youth’s ideas to G7 and G20. Communiques adopted at Y7 & Y20 Summits are sometimes directly noted at G7 and G20 discussion, and youth delegates have the chance to meet top leaders from the host country.
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Y20 members and President Putin
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Y20 members and Chancellor Merkel
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Y7 members and G7 Sherpas
Y7 members and G7 Sherpas
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 Y20 members and Prime Minister Abe
Typically, the host country of the G20 Summit also hosts Y20 Summit, while the host country of the G7 Summit also hosts Y7 Summit. The figure below shows the Y7 & Y20 Summits for the past seven years.
​※The logo of G7/G20 Youth Japan was designed by Satoshi Yoshiji, a former Japanese delegation leader for Y20 Summit 2013
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